Friday at the market

We were five "irreducible" researchers – homage to Goscinny & Uderzo, and to our French friends that were with us – last Friday. We met at 10 am in front of Sant’Ambrogio church, all-armed with our t-shirts "cervello in fuga" and our leaflets. We started going around the market, throughout an ordinary crowd: housewives, ladies, carers. Our task was not so easy: everybody was in a hurry, the weather was odd, and probably the neighbourhood in general is not so sympathetic (I hope that this word exists) to our protest. But finally we can say that we have done our best, we talked with the people and we managed spreading our infos and our invitation for tomorrow’s protest. I think that, even if we are little bands our actions in the markets can be useful and nice; so I hope that someone will organize and attend next "piazzata".


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