Oggi alle 15 in Piazza Sant’Ambrogio docenti, ricercatrici/tori e dottorande/i dell’Istituto universitario europeo, dell’Istituto italiano di scienze umane e dell’universita’ di Firenze terranno sei lezioni su liberta’, democrazia, movimenti, societa’ civile e nucleare in Italia. Lo scopo dell’evento – "PiazzAccAdemia" – e’ quello di condividere con la gente i saperi prodotti dalla ricerca e allo stesso tempo sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sui danni la legge 133 e l’ex decreto legge (ora legge) 137 produrranno a scuola e universita’ senza correggerne – in particolare rispetto all’universita’ – le disfunzioni. Vi aspettiamo!
Today at 3 pm in Sant’Ambrogio Square teachers, researchers and doctoral students from the European University Institute, the Italian Institute of Human Sciences and the University of Florence will hold six lectures on freedom, democracy, movements, civil society and nuclear energy policy in Italy. The aim of the event – "PiazzAccaAdemia – is to share with people the knowledge produced by research and at the same time inform the public opinion on the damages that Law 133 and the ex Law Decree (now law) 137 will have on schools and universities, while leaving untouched – especially with respect to universities – the many dysfunctions that charactetise them. Everybody is welcome!
Clicca qui per scaricare il volantino (in italiano)/
Click here to download the flyer (in Italian): PiazzAccAdemia.doc (.doc)